RINGSPANN Nordic AB was founded in 2015 in Trosa, Sweden. We offer products of highest quality and world class services.

Our ambition is to be the premier provider of Power transmission components to the industry. Our factories for transmission components, clamping tools and push/pull cables are available for quick deliveries and other requests. Whatever your application or situation, please contact us. In most cases we can offer a solution directly via phone or email, but we also make site visits if you so desire.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Mattias Englund

Area Sales Manager Sweden Mid, Sweden North, Finland

+46 702 853 565


Emanuel Eklund

Area Sales Manager Sweden South, Denmark, Norway

+46 707 172 718


Carina Bergert

Order and Sales

+46 156 190 98


Für die folgenden Länder sind wir Ihr Ansprechpartner:

  • Schweden
  • Dänemark
  • Estland
  • Finnland
  • Island
  • Lettland
  • Litauen
  • Norwegen

Vertriebspartner für Präzisions-Spannzeuge

GJS Verktygs AB

Skälbyvägen 4

155 35 Nykvarn


+46 08 550 999 80

+46 08 550 999 32



Kontaktieren Sie uns


RINGSPANN Bosanska Krupa d.o.o.

Radnicka bb

77240 Bosanska Krupa

+387 37 961 444








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